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Mentorship is a powerful tool to help aspiring professionals in their respective fields. However, it`s important for both mentors and mentees to establish clear objectives and expectations in their relationship. This is where a mentor agreement comes into play. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a mentor agreement and provide an example to help guide you through the process.

Why is a Mentor Agreement Important?

A mentor agreement is a formal document that outlines the mentorship relationship between a mentor and a mentee. It is important because it sets clear expectations, goals, and boundaries for both parties to follow. It also helps to ensure that the mentorship relationship is productive, beneficial, and free from misunderstandings.

What Should a Mentor Agreement Include?

A mentor agreement should include several key elements, such as:

– The purpose of the mentorship relationship

– The goals and objectives of the mentorship

– The roles and responsibilities of the mentor and mentee

– The frequency and format of mentorship meetings

– The confidentiality of information shared between the mentor and mentee

– The expected duration of the mentorship relationship

– The methods of evaluation and feedback

Example of a Mentor Agreement:

Below is an example of a mentor agreement that can be adapted to fit your specific needs:

Mentor Agreement Between [Mentor Name] and [Mentee Name]


This mentorship relationship is established to provide guidance and support to [Mentee Name] as they pursue their professional goals in [specific field].

Goals and Objectives:

The primary goals and objectives of this mentorship relationship are to:

– Identify and develop [Mentee Name]`s strengths and areas for improvement

– Provide guidance and support on specific projects or assignments

– Build professional networks and connections

– Enable [Mentee Name] to develop the skills and knowledge needed to achieve their professional goals

Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of each party in this mentorship relationship are as follows:

– [Mentor Name] agrees to provide guidance and support to [Mentee Name], including sharing their expertise, providing feedback on work, and offering career advice.

– [Mentee Name] agrees to actively participate in the mentorship relationship, including setting goals and objectives, seeking advice and feedback, and taking action on advice provided by the mentor.

Frequency and Format of Mentorship Meetings:

Mentorship meetings will be held on a bi-weekly basis, either in person or via phone/video conference. The format of the meetings will be determined based on the needs and preferences of both parties.


Both parties agree to keep all information shared during the mentorship relationship confidential, unless otherwise agreed upon or required by law.


This mentorship relationship will last for a period of [X months/years], unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

Evaluation and Feedback:

Both parties agree to provide ongoing feedback and evaluation throughout the mentorship relationship. This feedback will be used to determine progress, set new goals and objectives, and improve the mentorship relationship.


In conclusion, a mentor agreement is a valuable tool to establish clear expectations and boundaries in a mentorship relationship. By following the example provided above, both mentors and mentees can ensure that their mentorship relationship is productive, beneficial, and free from misunderstandings.